American Awakening

Dave Pardue
3 min readJan 8, 2021
A flock of Trump terrorists invades the US Capitol

On the day after resounding Trump hate rhetoric, it’s easy to say I’ve been outspoken against him since the beginning. I’m sure I’ve lost some friends, as I have unfriended and blocked many people throughout his Presidency. I never wanted to beat my chest in an “I told you so” manner. I’d rather have a President committed to our country than to tell people how wrong they were.

To say any of this should come as a surprise would be to have been oblivious for the last five and a half years. Trump attempted to incite violence at his rallies, mocked a physically disabled reporter, paid hush money to a pornstar whom he’d had an affair while his wife was pregnant, and never wavered in his me-first mentality. He called American hero John McCain, a POW of war a loser. He verbally attacked almost every single person that dare oppose him.

Donald Trump quite literally is the living embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins. So much so that I began pointing out similarities to people who weren’t his supporters, “For someone who doesn’t like Trump, you sure do lie a lot…” I began to realize that out of my frustrations, I would berate people, thus stooping to his level. The problem is, Donald Trump is a cumulation of all the worst aspects of humanity. And when a person is doing something awful, they’re likely exhibiting some sort of Trump symptom (Greed, Lust, Glutton, Pride, etc.)

Donald Trump is the best…err worst modern times example of a Cult of Personality. “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s, like, incredible.” His people excused or turned a blind eye to every indefensible thing he did for four years, even when he refused to denounce Russia for the worst intelligence hacking in American history. He single-handedly did his damnedest to destroy democracy, as well as an entire political party.

And finally, on a Tuesday, two weeks before he’s to leave office, after losing an election by over 7,000,000 votes, he did something so reprehensible that SOME of his supporters became disgusted. As it became evident that the 60 court battles he’d lost. Then a phone call had been released in which he’d attempted to intimidate an election official to overturn the results of their election. After he held a rally in our nation’s capitol to Stop the Steal, delivering these words, “We’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Ave…and we’re going to the Capitol. We’re going to try and give our Republicans — the weak ones because the strong ones don’t need any of our help — we’re to try and give them kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.” Following an attempted coup on the United States Capitol Building in a last-ditch effort to keep a failed dictator in power. Only then did SOME of you have the courage to say that what he’s doing is wrong.

I watched the BLM peaceful protests in LA last year with a Trump supporter. He said, “I wish they’d just shoot all of those motherfuckers in the face and be done with it.” I couldn’t help but wonder how much different his thoughts likely were today, as swarms of white people desecrated federal buildings. Like so many others, I contemplated, “what if these protestors were black?” in addition to “where the hell are the armed guards that beat the shit out of the BLM people sitting in the street so Trump could get a photo op with a holy book he doesn’t read in front of a church he doesn’t attend?”

Today was a wake up call for a lot of people who apparently hadn’t been paying any attention for the last half decade. I hope we never forget how close America came to being a dictatorship. And I hope that President-elect Biden, congress, and the judicial branches can all usher in a new era of peace and sensibility. January 6, 2021 — This is America



Dave Pardue

I seek constant growth and education. When I'm not out exploring the world, I'm usually sitting down exploring ideas. When there's not a pandemic, I fly economy